Friday, June 21, 2013

The Big Day Has Arrived

In just a few short hours volunteers will be going to the playground to set up.  We are all very excited to see our new playground tomorrow.  Volunteers have been working now stop the last 2 days preparing the site, and it looks good already.  It is going to be a great day for the communities of Cook's Harbour, Wild Bight, and Boat Harbour.  Join us for a amazing experience.  If you cannot attend you can watch us live on the internet on the national Let Them Be Kids site.  Check us out at .


  1. Nice Playground. Congratulations on raising $94836. If you want to accomplish something great you can. Your community should take the credit for this great work. I have priced out the playground as well and have a goal for the new school to have a playground there too. You have inspired this goal. Once again you did an amazing job even if the LTBK thing seems a bit questionable. That Classic Dome for instance on the 2013 price list is $31,680. The Super Nova GX916 is $7160 etc. etc. etc. You deserve the credit for the hard work and accomplishment.

  2. Thanks. It did take a lot of hard work. And we aren't finished yet, we will be continuing to add some other things to the area over the next year. We still have money coming in, that will allow us to complete some other goals we had in mind. As for LTBK, there was never a question in our minds that there would be any issues. They helped us all along the way, and they matched our funds for the playground equipment, as they said they would. LTBK is a wonderful organization and without their help, our playground would not have had the success it did. We are very grateful to Ian and his team for all their support over the last six months, they helped us reach our goal - a safe and enjoyable play space for our 3 communities.
